Trapper 3D
How to play
Arrange borders so that all of them are connected together, preventing the ‘water ball’ from spreading out of the border.
My experiences of playing this game
There were some levels including the bombs that will make us lose if I didn’t carefully arrange the border. I have to arrange the borders without bounding the bomb to avoid losing the level.
The levels that need improvement
Bonus level or final level from last 4 levels collecting diamonds – Where are other supporting pipelines?
There was a Bonus stage with a composition of pipeline that I had to arrange properly to collect diamond. The bonus stage collecting diamonds seems unrealistic to me, because there must be a certain supporting pipeline in order not for the ‘water ‘ball to spill out.
Bonus step for collecting balls – Not well-drawn
Specially, after spreading balls in a border that I had to set up, it was the time I would collect the balls falling from the border as much as possible, whatever the target number of balls to collect. Despite the fact that there were some balls still getting stuck or couldn’t drop, skipping this bonus stage to continue didn’t matter. I could pass the level, though. However, in my opinion, this level wasn’t perfectly designed regarding the expertise. Those bars causes the congestion of the water ball, making me wait a little bit longer to collect ALL of them.
Arrow border – A big trouble for me
There were stages including the arrows highlighted in blue or green border, causeing a little confusion to me while arranging the borders. For instance, I had to fully match the border with blue/green arrows from left side to right side and vice versa in order to spill the balls properly. The left-arrow from left side of all-around borders or right-arrow from right side of all-around borders are not staying adjacent to each other, so everyone might think that the balls will spill out. However, it’s not that. The balls spilling to left-arrow border, for example, will appear from right-arrow border to the all-around border.
(Sorry for my poor English in this case)
Other experiencs
There was a number of times to increase coins after passing a level like Bonus stage. But to enable this, we have to watch the ad by turning on Wifi.
We can customize color of the balls, the walls and other upon our interests, which is a positive thing I could perceive in the app.
I don’t know why there were stages getting to the collecting balls, but some are not. To elaborate The odd didn’t get that process, but the even could. In other words,Those were like alternate levels of collecting ball.
The app, more or less, encounters slow loading of app. But then the app has finished loading to start playing, so this is a minor issue I can neglect.
Game design and development
One of the elements that the remaining apps didn’t have was Sound effect, ranging from matching the borders to rotation of those stuffs or other things to make the app more lively.
Interestingly, the balls are like water running around the border or running from a pipeline. This symbolized icon is a strangely interesting choice for me to perceive.
Last but not least, this app is similar to Rasengan or other app in terms of progressive stage, instead of repetitive stage. In other words, the app doesn’t let me get back to old stages to replay. In a nutshell, trapped 3D is one of the most creative idea for game devslopment. I appreciate the developers’ efforts to building this novel game.