Small Square

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 27MB

How to play

Listening to the beat of music is a complement. More importantly, tap to accelerate the square to begin. You will simply avoid the incoming blocks by controlling your aceleration, depending on the situation.

There was a lozenge or diamond incoming that I would collect to change the color theme. I agree with the developer ‘s ideas of changing color theme to avoid unintersting experience.

Diverse blocks’ movement

What I like about this app is the movement of the blocks, because such ideas help the game highlights variety of the game. For example, the blocks with a rectangle shape change flip side by side, moving to other side, and many many things the blocks could move.

High sensitiveness – Internal or external attributes?

The sensitiveness of the tap seems to be really high. This stems from both objective and subjective elements. Objective one in this case is because of the programming language, while subjective one is due to my limited capability when dealing with the square nearly hitting the blocks.

Something in the app reminds me

The sound effect of the square hitting the blocks make me feel like I was walking enthusiatically when I hit the wall.

This game also reminds me of other achievement-related games like Flappy bird. The similarity between this app and that app is avoiding the obstacles, and easily get frustrated when I fail too soon. In other words, this game is irritiating but addictive, two contradictory characteristics of such genre of game

Game development

Graphic design

In terms of graphic design, the color of modes or background the developer chose was simple but attractive enough for me. The modes are well-arranged with each grey horizontal and vertical straight line. Well, I’m not expert in this area, but I could review what I see in the app.

Music theme

The developers were clever in choosing mediculous music themes from menu to in-game mode. I wonder if those musics were made by developers themselves or a certain music composer from whom the developers need help.


This app is simple to play. Besides, this game is irritiating but addictive, two contradictory characteristics of such genre of games.

Please download and enjoy this app!