Office Story – Be a boss

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 167MB

If you’re interested in doing virtual business, then this app is for you.

How to play

In this game, I’m a Boss of a company. I somtimes considered tthis role as an entrepreneur, because my responsibility is allocation of sufficient resources to sustain my company’s performances. However, being a Boss still  plays a ‘servant’ role because I have to spend money paying wages to my employees.

I imagine I’m at office, planning and organizing certain activities to achieve profit. There was a section creating project to achieve required targets, as well as pay back to investors from whom I borrowed and other expenses.

We can adjust the progress more faster by typing the ‘skip’ button if you want to see what will happen next, which is one of the apparent benefits of the app.

This part reminds me of others containing the narrative story before entering the game. However, I noticed a very strange word, which is HODL. What does “HODL” mean? Is it grammartically corect?

What I learn from this app

To start with, The app reminds me of other games associated with doing businesses like cooking to gain coins or diamonds or something. Moreover, this game is reckoned as a simulation helping me visualizes how such a workplace looks like. Obviously, how the game or virtual workplace can’t be completely the same as in reality. Through this game, I could be well-prepared in such practices.

How employees gain thier learning experiences at the workplace

During the project, there appears to have employees’ emotion or reaction to the tasks they’re assigned, such as yawning because they’re tired.

Meanwhile, the employees relaxed a little bit to talk to each other. By the way, it was hilarious to hear the sound effect of people’s conversation.

Result of the project

Eventually, making loss was more than achieving profit. Therefore, that was a big challlenge for me. There were other that needs upgrading such as getting a new table or chair.,  along with hiring approparate employees for appropriate project.;

The music sound peaceful, helping everyone concentrate on the task efficiently. I wonder if I got permission from director to listen to such instrumental musics at the office. Besides, the theme music sounds like a fantasy gerne with celtic instrumentals.

Icons that I’m interested

There is an icon that I’m not really clear after drinking water. Is that feeling relieved of thirst?

While my employees are working, the icons arised from their mind present their expectation of something, maybe from me. I don’t know if I’m correct at this. But as you can see in the picture I provided above, he needs a training session to improve his competency. Nonetheless, I got loss because of poor performance, so I couldn’t satisfy, making me feel worried a lot.


If you are interested in being a Boss of a company, try downloading this app and enjoy.