Mimpi Dreams

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 161MB

How to play

During the walkthrough, there are some tips to help the dog overcome the obstacles. The balloons. There are 3 available bulbs that will be used throughout the game. We can collect the bulbs later. More importantly, the dog will collect bones

This game belongs to a walkthrough genre. Therefore, we play a role as a dog to discover many things around his places. After answering basic mathematic problem,  the asked a very sophisticated riddle. The machine got stuck and  dumb. Because of this the machine let him pass, which is one of the most hilarous conversation I ‘ve ever seen.

Simple and Funny conversation

Each level starts with each conversation between the dog and the chickens without any words, merely described my images. This will increase the curiosity off the players, wondering what they are talking about. In this case, we can skip this part by just tapping if we don’t want to watch the conversation.

I caught a conversation between the dog and the machine. The dog must answeer the machine’s question correctly to pass.

Challenge mode

There was a challenge mode, testing my ability to get through all level without leaving the game. If you give up, you’ll have to restart the game from the beginning.

Convenience-related benefits

To start with, I could drag the cloud something from far, which is an apparent benefit to save time.

Afterwards, there were levels challenging the patience and carefulness when encountering the trap. If I’m careless, the dog will die.

Fortunately, this app didn’t provide the limited number of hearts or lives that I’d miss. We can retry the last checkpoint, instead of the start of a level, which is very convenient to me.

After the dog die, the dog restart at the checkpoint and the best thing about this app is I don’t have to rearrange the components of the object. The level still kept the last successful arrangement available and just continue if we’re not finsished yet. You’ll see if you plan to download this app.

Surprising moments

There was a level about the animal rights activists, which is one of the agaping things I discovered. I think this app “smells” so “political-alike” issues, including the protesting against something such as Setting animals free, animals deserve life, and so on.

While staying idle, the dog does something funny, reminding me of some games, specifically Crash Bandicoot I’ve played when I was young. Actually, I like this manner.

Lovely moments

The love icon presents that the characters love the dog’s willingness to help or something positive, making me feel touched everytime I, play role as a dog, can do something. However, I don’t know what animal that is, because its apearance looks so strange to me.

After completing a section of the levels, the game shows a picutre of the dog participating something like the pciture provided, as well as the last one about Animal right.

Other experiences

I not only uses arrows button to move, but also tap anywhere to enable something, such as holding and dragging luggage to let the dog jump higher to walk, as the picture provides above.

There are the balloons tip that will answer the keys to get through the obstacles. I sometimes try to get through wihthout the balloon’s help.

Instruction issues

One of the most necessary issues is the app should’ve mentioned an electric bil-alike object earlier before showing the tips through the bulb.


This is an interesting walkthrough game that worth playing. In fact, there are other interesting experiences that I couldn’t share enough.

Keep calm and download this app.