
How to play

Solve the math problems vertically and horizontally to reach 13, not more or less than 13. If we can’t put tiles at desired tiles, we can put them to Trash, just one thing that we can do that one time. If we want to do second time, I have to watch a video ad to enable putting to Trash.

Extra life gives you only a chance by deleting random tiles to solve the tiles. However, this feature will be enabled if Wifi is turned on.

Weak points

Why “0 tiles” should be added

First of all, I don’t think that 0 tile should be included in the tiles board, because adding or subtracting doesn’t change the operation. Besides, 0 tile can become an excessive component while solving math problems.

No tutorial to review

There was no tutorial mode to review, which is another weakenss to examine. At least, the developer should add this feature to review (read again, not rating as everyone calls in terms of popularity) the rule in case of forgetting how to play this game. Player cannot understand the rule or play this app thoroughly without checking the rule.

Why geometry icons should be added

I don’t know why there were geometry icons at the top right of tiles after clicking ‘eye’ icon, commonly symbolizes a blue light filter that we’ve usually seen on PC. That is to say, I really don’t know the purpose behind those geometry icons at each tiles.

Plus points

Tiles can be added or substracted at anywhere

Progressive tiles between 2 and -1

Progressive tiles between 2 and -1


It’s not that neccesary to put tiles progressively, which is one of the benefits I could appreciate. I could think of putting tiles at any certain empty tile that we find it appropriate to decide.

Continue even if you lose

Strangely, the app doesn’t reset to 1 level after the notification of ‘Game over’. Instead, I could continue or restart to where we just left behind, not the beginning. 

I’m afraid that once I click “New game”, the game will be set to 1. In fact, refresh button or New game shares the same meaning, which is restarting the game as I’ve mentioned above.

Game development

The app is well-designed with colorful tiles of number , along with great choice of sound effects. This is a creative or unique idea with which deveoper can come up. At first, I thought that this games look like Merge 2048, one of the most popular games becoming gamers’ favorite list.

Other experiences

If one or two rows/columns cannot reach 13, there are other remaining ones below or higher 13 that I must try to solve before all tiles from rows/columns reach 13. Nonetheless, 4 out of 5 tiles got stuck, so trying to increase or decrease number costs nothing. At last, I decided to randomly put tiles at anywhere to end the game and give up already.


In general, this app requires really high intelligence or IQ to achieve high score. After all, this one of the most valuable  experience of using this app and I like this app!